Undergraduate Research Program 2011 of SUSCOM Lab.

- Who: Undergraduate Students of Architectural Engineering, Yonsei University
- When: Jan. 26th, 2011 - Feb. 6th, 2011
- How to apply: E-mail to cwkoo@hanmiparsons.com, including a brief self-introduction (no format)

Current Government R&D projects in SUSCOM Lab. are as follows:
1. Current Government R&D projects
- Framework for Effective Maintenance Management for Reducing CO2 Emission in Educational Facility
- Development of evaluation and reduction technology of CO2 emission during construction phase
- Maintenance Management Process for Reducing CO2 Emission in Multi-Family Housing Project
2. Proposal for Government R&D projects

* If you have any questions, please contact us. (cwkoo@hanmiparsons.com, 02-2123-4954)